Portfolio and fund-level evaluation
Portfolios range from a collection of projects or grants that are loosely focused on the same issue area to a highly coordinated set of plans that operate seamlessly. Portfolio managers want to understand how the different parts add up to a greater goal. We have evaluated portfolios for a diverse range of clients and refined an approach that delivers insights for managers.
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Executive Summary: Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects – Compass PE2 Final Report
This is the executive summary of the Compass PE2 final report 'Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects'.
Data collection and analysis partner in India and Bangladesh
Target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals calls for effective measures to end forced labour, modern slavery and human...
Evaluation of the development impact of British International Investment’s infrastructure portfolio
In developing and emerging markets, investments in infrastructure, such as renewable energy, roads, ports and telecoms, can...
Learning Partner for the Financial Sector Deepening Trust, Tanzania
The Financial Sector Deepening Trust in Tanzania (FSDT) adopts a market development approach towards addressing systemic...
Global Fund Advocacy Portfolio Level Assessment
The Global Fund partnership mobilises and invests more than US$4 billion a year to support programmes run by local experts in...
Evaluation of the Dutch Development Finance Institution – FMO
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are government-backed institutions that invest returnable capital into the private...
MEL unit for CSSF Middle East
The Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) in the Middle East operates in one of the most complicated conflict-affected...
MEL Support for CSSF North Africa
The UK’s Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) is designed to provide strategic UK investments that combine a...
GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation – Nepal – Year 2
The purpose of prospective evaluations is to assess the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of GPE inputs at the country...
GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation – Nigeria – Year 2
This is the last annual report to be submitted during the three-year prospective evaluation of the Global Partnership for...
School Health and Nutrition Portfolio Evaluation for Dubai Cares
Millions of school-age children are affected by serious, yet easily treatable and preventable, illnesses, which inhibit their...
Evaluation of Girls’ Education Portfolio
Dubai Cares is a UAE-based global philanthropic organisation which aims to provide children in developing countries with...
Evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan
Itad is evaluating the World Food Programme’s (WFP) Country Strategic Plan (CSP) for Bangladesh between 2016 and 2020,...
GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation – Malawi – Year 2
This is the final annual report of the three-year prospective evaluation of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) in...
GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation – Zimbabwe – Year 2
This is the last annual report to be submitted during the three-year prospective evaluation of the Global Partnership for...
Lessons of challenge funds for resilience building
One of the key objectives of the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) is to create an environment that enables great ideas to...