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Portfolio and fund-level evaluation

Portfolios range from a collection of projects or grants that are loosely focused on the same issue area to a highly coordinated set of plans that operate seamlessly. Portfolio managers want to understand how the different parts add up to a greater goal. We have evaluated portfolios for a diverse range of clients and refined an approach that delivers insights for managers.

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Showing 33 - 48 of 111 results

Evaluating the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development

The DFCD seeks to improve the wellbeing, economic prospects, and livelihoods of vulnerable groups and enhance the health of...


Independent evaluation of the development impact of the Private Infrastructure Development Group

The Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) is an infrastructure development and finance organisation that encourages...


Evaluation of FMO (the Dutch Development Finance Institution)

The final report of the evaluation of FMO (the Dutch Development Finance Institution) provides insights into FMO’s...


What works in resilience measurement: Our learning in practice

We are pleased to launch our Practice Papers – a new series of publications where we put our learning into practice. Our...

Practice Paper

Improving resilience measurement: Learning to adapt – Itad Practice Paper 01

Strengthening resilience is critical if communities are to respond positively to extreme events, climate change and disasters....


World Food Programme publishes Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan evaluation

The World Food Programme (WFP) has published the Final Report from Itad’s Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan (2016-2020)...


Mobilising private finance into climate change: Webinar shares evaluation lessons

We were delighted to co-host a webinar on 17 March sharing lessons from the portfolio-level evaluation of the UK’s...

Illustration of a man walking through a labyrinth to the exit. Vector. The labyrinth is like a brain. Metaphor. Linear style. Illustration for a website or presentation. Solving problems in life

Itad at the International Realist Conference 2021

Itad joined the International Realist Conference 2021 in February. We presented our work on the HMG Climate Change Compass...

woman shopping at market

Gender-Responsive Social Protection Programme evaluation

Social protection for women and girls reduces poverty, improves access to education and health, improves economic...

children playing outside

Developing a strategic learning and evaluation system with Fondation Botnar

Today, over half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Digital technology is predicted to play an increasingly...

report cover, girl holding food assistance card

Evaluation of Bangladesh WFP Country Strategic Plan 2016 – 2019

This evaluation was commissioned to provide evaluative evidence for accountability and learning to inform the design of the...


Retrospective assessment of the LEGO Play Box Initiative

For the past ten years, LEGO has been donating Play Boxes to children and educational institutions in disadvantaged...


Mid-term review of IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme

Smallholders are on the frontline of climate change. Their livelihoods rely on natural resources that are already affected by...


UNHCR Country Portfolio Evaluation: Angola (2016-2019)

This report relates to an independent evaluation of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) country operation...


Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects – Compass PE2 Final Report

International Climate Finance (ICF) is a core component of the United Kingdom’s contribution to developed countries’...


Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects – Compass PE2 Technical Report

The United Kingdom (UK) is firmly committed, alongside other developed countries, to contribute to the mobilisation of US$100...