Portfolio and fund-level evaluation
Portfolios range from a collection of projects or grants that are loosely focused on the same issue area to a highly coordinated set of plans that operate seamlessly. Portfolio managers want to understand how the different parts add up to a greater goal. We have evaluated portfolios for a diverse range of clients and refined an approach that delivers insights for managers.
Use the filters below to explore our work on portfolio and fund-level evaluation.
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Evaluation of UBS-Optimus’ Health Strategy and Development of a New Strategic Direction
We evaluated UBS-Optimus’ achievements, impact trajectory, and contribution to saving children's lives through its health...
USAID’s Learning for Development, Nepal
We are supporting USAID’s Nepal Mission to improve democratic governance, health and education outcomes in Nepal.
Evaluating the Global Fund’s Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative
Itad is evaluating the Global Fund’s Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative to build resilient and sustainable...
Evaluating Self-Care Policy Change for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
Itad, in partnership with Halcyon, evaluated the Self-Care Trailblazer Group’s FAST TRACK programme’s implementation...
Evaluation of Unitaid’s Antiretroviral Therapy Optimization portfolio
We evaluated Unitaid's Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Optimization portfolio’s impact on lowering barriers to antiretroviral...
Evaluating UK support to countering the Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southern Africa
Itad is evaluating the UK government funded Counter Illegal Wildlife Trade Range Training Programme in Malawi and Zambia to...
Supporting the Hilton Foundation’s flexible funding for disaster relief and recovery
Identifying enablers and barriers to relevant, timely and accountable emergency response in the Hilton Foundation’s Disaster...
External review of Unitaid’s 2017-21 strategy
Insights from Itad's review of Unitaid’s 2017-2021 strategy enabled the organisation to capitalise on lessons learned from...
Strengthening civil society organisations’ advocacy capacity
We are the research partner for the global component of the Dutch MFA’s Policy Framework for Strengthening Civil Society...
Supporting the Mastercard Foundation to understand and improve impact
In collaboration with national partners, we are delivering targeted monitoring, evaluation and learning activities, capacity...
Building foundations for development impact in large scale research funds
Assessing how the Global Challenges Research Fund created the environment for impact in its early years and achieve...
How a ‘landscape approach’ can help mobilise climate finance towards vulnerable groups and ecosystems
Our evaluation of the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development found that their framework offers an innovative solution to the...
Independent Evaluation of the Biodiverse Landscapes Fund
We are assessing the impact of the biodiverse landscapes fund and providing ongoing support to the implementers and Defra to...
Bayesian Confidence Updating: 3 lessons from applying this technique
Bayesian Confidence Updating is an innovative approach to robustly establishing the strength of causal links in theory-based...
Learning at the speed of trust – Learning Brief
This is the second and final Learning Brief which aims to share lessons with the wider advocacy community from an innovative...
Learning at the speed of trust: building monitoring, evaluation and learning capacity
Learnings from an innovative programme providing flexible tailored support to meet six organisations ‘where they were’ to...