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How do we evaluate AI in public policy?
What are the evaluation implications of artificial intelligence use in public policy and programming?
Insights from PeaceCon 2024: unlocking the power of diplomacy
Takeaways and insights from our session at PeaceCon which explored innovative tools and approaches for measuring diplomatic engagement, drawing...
Itad’s work on measuring the effectiveness of development and diplomacy
Discover how we are helping governments monitor and manage diplomatic engagement to build peace and prevent conflict
Unlocking the power of diplomacy for peacebuilding
Itad is sponsoring PeaceCon 2024 and hosting a session on measuring diplomatic engagement for effective peacebuilding and conflict prevention.
Evaluating in an AI-driven world
Join us at the 2024 European Evaluation Society Conference for a panel event exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the...
Promoting more equitable and ethical AI use
Our award-winning research is helping mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico’s leading education pilots and providing important insights for...
Career opportunities: why work at Itad
Discover who we are, our benefits, people, learning and development opportunities, ways of working and more.
Webinar: Using evidence to guide intervention design
How can programme designers ensure they find and draw essential lessons from other projects in the same region? Join us to hear insights and...
Measuring Diplomatic Engagement Under the Global Fragility Act
We are providing evidence and expertise on how to measure diplomatic engagement, such as ‘soft power’ or diplomatic influence, in support of...
USAID’s Equitable Challenge project wins EQUALS in Tech Award
Itad, with consortium partners, has won the 2023 EQUALS in Tech Award in the category of Research for its work to address gender inequity in...
Fostering data-use innovations for a water-secure world
We are supporting the delivery of USAID’s Water Security, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WSSH) Data & Analytics Activity to strengthen the global...
Supporting USAID’s Localize Global Health Security project
We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the five-year initiative, which aims to improve local capacity to prevent,...
Evidence Review for the Inclusive Resilience in Somalia (IRiS) Programme – final report
This report establishes an evidence base and identify gaps related to IRiS’s six program results, derived from the programme’s theory of...
Exploring the ‘Power of Story’ at the American Evaluation Association Conference 2023
Join us at the American Evaluation Association Conference from 9-14 October! We'll be sharing ideas, skills and reflecting on the power of story...
USAID’s Learning for Development, Nepal
We are supporting USAID’s Nepal Mission to improve democratic governance, health and education outcomes in Nepal.
Mitigating AI gender bias in an international development context
Itad helped to mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico's leading education pilots - and provided important insights for the wider development...
Locally led monitoring and evaluation – what role can we play at Itad?
Fostering equitable and localised modes of working is hugely important to Itad, but is not without its challenges. In this blog, we outline some...
Get to know Itad’s US office
Get to know our US Director, Mike Klein, and Deputy Director, Ali Cervini Mull as they share what innovations in evaluation they’re most...
Exploring new technical innovations in MEL for systemic change
Join us for a cross-sector discussion on how we can best undertake strategic learning and evaluation using a systems perspective, and whether and...
Localising monitoring, evaluation and learning: a 360 perspective
Good monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) practice should prioritise culturally relevant approaches, generate useful insights and support...
Peace through evaluation, learning and adaptation (PELA II)
Enhancing USAID’s effectiveness in preventing and countering violent extremism, peacebuilding, and strengthening democracy, human rights, and...
60 Seconds with Itad’s Green Team
Itad's Green Team is an employee-led initiative promoting climate mainstreaming and sustainable ways of working since 2018.
Itad announces commitment to be carbon negative by end of 2023
In the run up to the United Nations Climate Conference (COP27), we announce plans to become carbon negative by the end of 2023, helping to pave...
Itad’s Emissions Reduction Plan 2022-25
We aim to be carbon negative by 2023; guided by the 4R framework, we set out how we will take urgent and ongoing action to reduce carbon emissions.