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Integrated delivery: We know it is needed, so how do we get it?
Tom Gillhespy and Georgina Sinclair reflect on integrated delivery, why it is important, what is holding it back and what good integrated...
Who really wins? Using prizes to stimulate social and environmental innovation
The climate emergency is perhaps the biggest challenge of our time. Meeting it requires fast-paced innovation and social change to ensure...
A theory of change for the mine action sector
Itad is co-presenting with the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Dutch MFA some of their work on mine action with the...
Mobilising private finance into climate change: Webinar shares evaluation lessons
We were delighted to co-host a webinar on 17 March sharing lessons from the portfolio-level evaluation of the UK’s International Climate...
Gender-Responsive Social Protection Programme evaluation
Social protection for women and girls reduces poverty, improves access to education and health, improves economic opportunities and reduces...
Learning to go virtual: Our highlights from the WISH Learning Event
In early December 2020, Itad facilitated the annual Women’s Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) Programme Learning Event. In our role as Third...
Making the most of 0.5% – what now for the UK aid budget?
The UK government has announced that the 2015 commitment to spend 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) on foreign aid will be reduced in 2021 to...
Real-time MEL for the Humanitarian Global Services Programme
The Humanitarian Global Services (HGS) Programme aims to improve the overall performance (quality, delivery and value-for-money of services...
Improving poverty and disability measures through better data collection: Lessons from WISH
Collecting data for decision-making on personal issues related to sex, income and ability is fraught with complications that can impede both the...
How regular outcome monitoring makes WASH programmes more effective
Measuring progress towards WASH outcomes is more difficult and more expensive than reporting outputs, but it is a valuable tool for quality...
The UK’s approach to tackling modern-day slavery in Nigeria: Five missed opportunities
I recently read the ICAI review of the UK’s approach to tackling modern-day slavery through the aid programme and it led me to reflect. The...
Tackling human trafficking: Lessons from the Stamping out Slavery in Nigeria project
Modern-day slavery is still a prevalent practice in Nigeria, with Edo State at the centre of human trafficking. The UK FCDO-funded Stamping out...
Delivering sustainable WASH outcomes: Insights from the WASH Results Programme
New series of learning briefs from this large-scale programme share data on outcome achievements, insights on designing outcome focussed...
Handwashing and COVID-19: The role of data in improving hygiene promotion
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the importance of thorough handwashing to the fore in global efforts to curb the spread of the virus. Hygiene...
The Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network: UNICEF Assessment
A continuing trend in international development has been the greater scrutiny of ODA (Overseas Development Assistance) spending, with bilateral...
The benefits of community-driven development
A new paper published in the Journal of Flood Risk Management explores the costs and benefits of resilience interventions in Myanmar.
How has COVID-19 affected data quality in the agriculture sector? Highlights on a recent e-Panel
An e-Panel, co-hosted by AVANTI and EvalForward, set out to explore this question. Our panellists, Armand Zoa, Joas Tugizimana and Tim Njagi,...
Can innovation prizes improve lives for the poorest?
After six years, the UKAid-funded Ideas to Impact programme has come to an end, yielding an impressive amount of lessons on how innovation...
Mobilising private finance into low-carbon markets: Insights from the UK’s International Climate Finance
To tackle the global climate crisis and achieve a worldwide low-carbon transition, it will be essential to stimulate the growth of...
Recovering better from COVID-19: Lessons from WASH and protracted crises
Globally, people living in protracted crises represent the ‘last mile’ in terms of reaching the SDGs — they are the most vulnerable and...
Designing effective verification systems for Payment by Results contracts
New series of publications shares practical guidance for third-party verification services based on learning from the WASH Results Programme.
Balancing the UK’s development objectives and national interest: Three lessons for the FCO/DFID merger
There has been wide-ranging debate over the last weeks about the UK Government announcement to merge DFID and FCO into the new FCDO. One concern...
MSD in disrupted markets: Important lessons from Nepal
Evaluating NMDP-Samarth (Nepal Market Development Programme-Samarth) - Nepal's first MSD (market systems development) programme
Measuring political access and influence in fragile and conflict-affected settings
Understanding political context and the influence of political interests is critical in delivering national and development objectives. This is...