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Our projects

We have collaborated on more than 895 projects in the past 40 years, often in fast-moving, challenging and complex contexts.

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Showing 401 - 416 of 427 results

European Commission – Evaluation of European Training Foundation

Itad won an EC-funded, open tender to evaluate the European Training Foundation (ETF), providing expertise in Vocational...


Global Evaluation for the International HIV/AIDS Alliance

Itad led an evaluation on the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, for interested donors to inform their decisions about possible...


Natural Resources Systems Programme Communications Strategy Synthesis, DFID

Itad were contracted by DFID to conduct a communications strategy synthesis from 19 projects


Evaluation of the Japan Social Development Fund Programme

In 2005 Itad conducted a strategic evaluation of the Japan Social Development Fund for the World Bank.


World Bank Water Management Improvement Project

Itad were contracted by the World Bank to assist in their Water Management Improvement Project


Review of Agricultural Research, Nepal

Itad was commissioned by DFID to undertake a review of agricultural research in Nepal


Development of an Integrated Monitoring & Evaluation System for MIGA

Itad worked with Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Operations Team to develop a coherent and integrated...


Tanzania Performance Management System Mid-term Review

Itad assessed the performance management system and made recommendations in the context of wider government financial and...


Project Cycle Management, Sector Programmes & Budgetary Aid, EC

Itad provided training and helpdesk services in Project Cycle Management, Sector Programmes & Budgetary Aid.


M&E design for the Poor Communes Livelihoods and Infrastructure Programme, Vietnam

Itad designed the M&E component of the planned Poor Communes Livelihoods and Infrastructure Program, which was intended to...


The Poor Rural Communities Development Project in China

Itad was contracted to develop and mainstream a participation approach for the Poor Rural Communities Development Project, in...


DFID’s Natural Resources Systems Programme Impact Assessment

Itad was contracted by DFID to undertake an impact assessment of NRSP's research at the peri-urban interface (PUI). Using a...


Consensus Building in Common Pool Resources, DFID

Itad worked with a Bangladesh NGO to produce promotional material and develop a resources pack for PAPD through consensus...


Monitoring & Evaluation for Understanding and Enhancing Rural Youth Livelihoods in East Africa

Itad provided communications and monitoring & evaluation expertise: aimed to identify opportunities to enhance the livelihoods...


Evaluation of WHO-DFID Partnership

Itad was contracted by DFID to undertake the evaluation of WHO-DFID partnership. The evaluation assessed the causal linkages...


Helpdesk & Training Services in Project Cycle Management, Sector Programmes & Budgetary Aid

Itad was contracted by the EC to provide training and helpdesk services to EC and partner government staff in Project Cycle...