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Private Capital Mobilisation: Concepts and Definitions
By establishing a common vocabulary this publication aims to support a more coordinated approach by Development Finance Institutions toward the...
Mobilising private finance into climate change: Webinar shares evaluation lessons
We were delighted to co-host a webinar on 17 March sharing lessons from the portfolio-level evaluation of the UK’s International Climate...
Itad at the International Realist Conference 2021
Itad joined the International Realist Conference 2021 in February. We presented our work on the HMG Climate Change Compass evaluation, as well as...
Keeping it real: using mechanisms in realist evaluation
A new paper in a special issue of New Directions for Evaluation explores the use of mechanisms within the realist evaluation of the Building...
Mobilising private finance into low-carbon markets: Insights from the UK’s International Climate Finance
To tackle the global climate crisis and achieve a worldwide low-carbon transition, it will be essential to stimulate the growth of...
Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects – Compass PE2 Final Report
International Climate Finance (ICF) is a core component of the United Kingdom’s contribution to developed countries’ shared goal of...
Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects – Compass PE2 Technical Report
The United Kingdom (UK) is firmly committed, alongside other developed countries, to contribute to the mobilisation of US$100 billion of public...
Executive Summary: Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects – Compass PE2 Final Report
This is the executive summary of the Compass PE2 final report 'Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects'.
Reality bites: Lessons from five years of realist evaluation at Itad
It’s been over five years since Itad hurtled head-first into the fascinating world of realist evaluation. Since setting up a Realist Evaluation...
Resilience Results: BRACED project final evaluation synthesis
Building Resilience to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) has supported more than 140 organisations in 15 consortia across 13 countries in...
Insights from Resilience Policy work in Kenya: A realist Evaluation Case Study
This case study, along with the synthesis of Final Evaluations (FEs) delivered by BRACED-X IPs, was undertaken by the Evaluation Activity 2 (EA2)...
Final Evaluation of DFID’s FoodTrade East and Southern Africa Programme
With the conclusion of Itad’s five-year longitudinal evaluation of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) FoodTrade East and...
Resilience Results: BRACED-X Final Evaluation
Explore the Resilience Results: BRACED-X Final Evaluation, a report which presents a synthesis of nine project-level final evaluations with the...
Final Evaluation Report: FoodTrade East and Southern Africa
The FTESA report is now live on our website. Check out the five-year regional programme, that supported food staples market development and trade...
FoodTrade East and Southern Africa Final Evaluation: Key findings, lessons and recommendations
Summarising the FoodTrade East and Southern Africa final evaluation, you can now read the key findings and how the FTESA aimed to address the...
Tracking and measuring resilience in large programmes: lessons from BRACED
This paper shares insights on designing and implementing monitoring, evaluation and learning systems as well as generating useful evidence that...
Resilience Results: BRACED final evaluation report
This report presents a synthesis of project-level final evaluations, carried out after three years of implementation of the Building Resilience...
Mixing, matching and modifying methods in realist evaluation: should we be purists or pragmatists?
This second blog from the Itad Realist Evaluation Learning Group asks: how far can realist evaluation be modified, watered down, or ‘mixed and...
Realist evaluation: is it worth it? Launching a new series reflecting on five years of realist evaluation practice at Itad
We like a challenge at Itad, and so four or five years ago we threw our hats into the realist evaluation ring. At that time, there was growing...
How can capacity building improve how policy makers use evidence?
Itad has just finished a three-year realist evaluation of the Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) programme – a £15.7 million,...
British International Investment’s mobilisation of private investment
Increasingly, international consensus is that private finance is critical to filling the development financing gap and achieving the SDGs...
Impact Evaluation of the SADA Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana Annex C: Endline Reality Check Approach
The endline Reality Check Approach (RCA) was conducted as the last of the monitoring and evaluation elements of the Independent Impact Evaluation...
FoodTrade East and Southern Africa: Mid-Term Evaluation Final Report
During Q3 2016, the Evaluation Management Unit (EMU), managed by Itad UK, undertook the independent Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of FoodTrade East...
What I learned at the CARES realist evaluation conference
A couple of weeks ago I attended the CARES realist evaluation conference at the Barbican Centre in London. It was a brilliant few days of...