News & insights
A collection of our latest news, opinions, events, and publications to inform and inspire.
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Supporting social enterprises to understand their impact
Social enterprises are once again on the agenda at this year’s World Economic Forum, this time with an emphasis on scaling...
Eight ways to ensure equity of participation in hybrid workshops
Hybrid workshops and learning events are an increasingly integral part of our life as monitoring, evaluation and learning...
What makes evaluations impactful?
Insights from a panel discussion as part of our first ever company-wide Knowledge and Learning Day.
Building foundations for development impact in large scale research funds
Assessing how the Global Challenges Research Fund created the environment for impact in its early years and achieve...
Event: Better evaluations of Health Systems Strengthening
Join us to discuss the findings of a major initiative to help develop more effective Health Systems Strengthening (HSS)...
Current knowledge of the links between climate and conflict
An interactive poster capturing current trends and links in knowledge and thinking between climate, conflict and peacebuilding.
Sector-wide Theory of Change for Mine Action
Shared mine action objectives and indicators to facilitate greater coherence in the sector
Mainstreaming climate concerns into conflict-related evaluation work
Our work with UK Government is highlighting the value of applying a climate lens to conflict-related development programming.
Supporting climate justice through collaborative learning
Our work with Porticus is highlighting the value of collaborative learning to shape climate justice initiatives more...
Building women and girls’ resilience to climate change
Lessons from our work with partners on integrating sexual and reproductive health rights with climate change adaptation.
How a ‘landscape approach’ can help mobilise climate finance towards vulnerable groups and ecosystems
Our evaluation of the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development found that their framework offers an innovative solution to the...
Lessons for evaluating complex and adaptive programmes
Drawing on our experiences evaluating a six-year girl-centred sexual health programme, the A360 evaluation team share our key...
Adolescents 360 Evaluation: Final Summative Report
This report presents the overall findings of the evaluation of the Adolescents 360 initiative (A360), which targeted...
A360 Outcome Evaluation: Summary reports on the endline survey
Adolescents360 (A360) was a four-year initiative that targeted adolescents in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania. It aimed to...
60 Seconds with Itad’s Green Team
Itad's Green Team is an employee-led initiative promoting climate mainstreaming and sustainable ways of working since 2018.
Savings Evidence Map
A collection of 380 studies on savings-focused financial inclusion from Mastercard Foundation’s Savings Learning Lab project.