Poverty and livelihoods – Publications
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Nepal Rural Access Programme – CONNECT Component Review
CONNECT is a component part of the Nepal Rural Access Programme Phase 3 (RAP3), one of the longest-standing and largest...
RAP-3 Endline Impact Assessment Report 2019
The independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning component of the third phase of DFID Nepal’s Rural Access Programme...
Adaptive Social Protection: Independent evaluation of the World Bank ASP programme
This document is the Summary Report of the Synthesis of the second-round evaluation completed by Itad in Oct 2017 as part of...
Final Evaluation Report: FoodTrade East and Southern Africa
The FTESA report is now live on our website. Check out the five-year regional programme, that supported food staples market...
FoodTrade East and Southern Africa Final Evaluation: Key findings, lessons and recommendations
Summarising the FoodTrade East and Southern Africa final evaluation, you can now read the key findings and how the FTESA aimed...
Technical Assessment of Completed RAP roads (Independent Verification Round 2)
The objective of the Rural Access Programme 3 (RAP) is to reduce poverty in western Nepal. The programme aims to deliver...
The role of Road Maintenance Groups in the Local Roads Network sector in rural Nepal
This policy brief explores the role of Road Maintenance Groups (RMGs) that a number of donor programmes fund in Nepal to...
Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Qualitative Endline Report
This report presents the findings of the third and final (endline) round of qualitative fieldwork for the evaluation of the...
Management of the Local Roads Network in Federal Nepal – Policy Brief
People living in remote areas of Nepal demand and aspire to be physically connected year-round to markets and service centres....
Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No.5: What was the impact on health?
This Briefing Paper is the fifth in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the...
Review of Rural Roads Maintenance Planning in Nepal
This report by the independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component of the Rural Access Programme 3 (RAP3)...
The impact of cash-for-works: evidence from the Rural Access Programme in the mid and far west of Nepal
RAP's primary objective is to deliver economic benefits to poor and isolated communities over the long term through improved...
RAP Beneficiaries’ Feedback Report 2017
To date, there have been several studies conducted by the independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component of...
FoodTrade East and Southern Africa: Mid-Term Evaluation Final Report
During Q3 2016, the Evaluation Management Unit (EMU), managed by Itad UK, undertook the independent Mid-term Evaluation (MTE)...
Nepal Rural Access Programme (RAP3) – Midline Impact Assessment Report 2016
This midline report presents the findings from a panel survey of 3,600 households (HH) in eight districts in the Mid and Far...
Independent verification of RAP 3 Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLI)
The MEL-led independent verification of RAP3 has been initiated following recommendations from the 2015 DFID Annual Review....