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Nepal Rural Access Programme (RAP3) – Midline Impact Assessment Report 2016

This midline report presents the findings from a panel survey of 3,600 households (HH) in eight districts in the Mid and Far West of Nepal and an in-depth qualitative participatory study called the Reality Check Approach (RCA) in four of these eight districts.


This midline report presents the findings from a panel survey of 3,600 households in eight districts in the Mid and Far West of Nepal and incorporates qualitative findings from a complementary Reality Check Approach (RCA) study. This mixed-methods approach was conducted in mid-2016, precisely two years after the baseline, to provide a longitudinal analysis of socio-economic changes in this region as well as an objective assessment of the impact of the third phase of the DFID’s Rural Access Programme 3 (RAP3).

The analysis within the report is probably one of the most comprehensive assessments of change in the region undertaken in recent times. Read in conjunction with the separate midline RCA study report (whose findings are integrated into this report), the midline provides a rich analysis of a vastly understudied region of the country. The report should be of use to a wide range of stakeholders interested not only in the impact of RAP3, but also in understanding regional drivers of change that impact on poverty and vulnerability.