Governance – Projects
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Scaling up Nutrition in Pakistan (SNIP)
DFID is contributing £68 million of support to nutrition interventions in Pakistan, focusing investment on improving...
AVANTI – advancing knowledge for agricultural impact
National governments in the fields of agriculture and rural development across many low- and middle-income countries face...
Monitoring and Evaluation of DFID’s Support to the Palestinian Authority through the Services, Stability and Reform Programme (SSRP)
Improving health, education and government reform efforts of the Palestinian Authority (PA) are critical to the UK...
Supporting Partnerships for Accountability and Civil Engagement (SPACE): Evidence and Learning
Itad is undertaking an impact evaluation of DFID's Supporting Partnerships for Accountability and Civil Engagement Programme...
Strengthening Citizen’s Resistance against Prevalence of Corruption (SCRAP-C)
DFID is supporting Nigeria’s anti-corruption effort by ensuring stronger incentives not to loot government resources and...
Monitoring and Evaluation of Denmark-Myanmar Country Programme
Since 2011, Denmark has steadily expanded its diplomatic, political, commercial and development cooperation with Myanmar,...
Summative evaluation of DFID’s Caribbean anti-corruption programming
DFID has been supporting anti-corruption programming in the Caribbean since 2009. The current programme, the Caribbean...
Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems (SRKS) Evaluation
The Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems (SRKS), was a five-year (2013-2018) programme which aimed to increase...
Evaluation of The Norwegian Aid Administration’s Practice of Results-Based Management
There is a clear political commitment to measuring and managing for results in the Norwegian aid administration. Despite this...
Design of the Democratic Governance Facility
Itad’s Richard Burge led an eight-person team to design a five-year multi-donor governance programme in Uganda. Working...
Year 3 Evaluation of Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development
Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (‘Pacific Women’) aimed to improve the political, social and economic...
Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) – Engaged Citizens
The Engaged Citizens pillar within PERL (Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn) Nigeria supports citizens to engage more...
Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) – Accountable, Responsive and Capable Government Pillar
Although Nigeria has made progress with socio-economic development in recent years, about 90 million people - roughly half...
DFID’s Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) research programme
Donors need quality evidence to say what works and what doesn’t to support the empowerment of citizens and hold governments...
Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme (ZANSASP)
Itad is the monitoring and evaluation specialist organisation in the Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme consortium...
Meta-Evaluation of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development’s Decentralized Evaluations
Itad has been commissioned to deliver a meta-evaluation of decentralized evaluations undertaken by Canada’s Department of...