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Gender and social inclusion – Blogs and news

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Showing 17 - 32 of 44 results

Can football tackle violence against women and girls?

Over the years, there has been steadily growing interest in the idea that sport can make a difference in development, beyond...


Costing the impacts of violence against women: six potential pitfalls

David Walker explores six regular pitfalls that are encountered in building a costings study, and how to address them in this...


Reflections on Itad’s work to promote the equitable participation of people with disabilities in issues that affect them

The UK government has successfully co-hosted its first ever Global Disability Summit to boost efforts to assist people with...


Measuring the impacts of capacity development: four things to consider

In my first blog on our experiences from the DFID-funded Mobilising for Development (M4D) programme, I looked at the...


Reflections on International Women’s Day 2018

This International Women's Day, three members of Itad staff reflect on what the day means for them, personally and professionally.


Her potential, our future: the launch of DFID’s Strategic Vision for Gender Equality

In my 20 year journey in international development, I have seen many twists and turns, some giving us hope and energy and...


The interactions between women’s economic empowerment and ending violence against women – Insights from the Pacific Women project

"I am just a woman, I am just a mother, I am just a wife…what can I do to seek justice?"  - anonymous woman in Papua New...


Are leadership and accountability systems the key to delivering increased gender equality in our work?

Itad are about to do a stock take of where we’ve got to in increasing attention to gender issues in our monitoring,...


‘Not Everybody is Online’…but All Voices Count

Itad's Aoife Murray blogs on the final Making All Voices Count Policy and Practice Dialogue.


Issues and challenges of assessing the benefits of capacity development – experiences from the M4D programme in northern Nigeria

It is often argued that good governance is possible only when governing institutions perform to certain standards and that...


Shining a light on Violence against Women and Girls programming…the need for evaluation

In September 2017, we attended the launch of the Spotlight Initiative, an EU and UN multi-year initiative to eliminate...


What works for social accountability? Findings from DFID’s macro evaluation

I wrote my first blog on DFID’s macro evaluation of its empowerment and accountability project portfolio way back in 2015,...


Measuring Social Norms on WEE Programmes: Lessons from Itad’s Work in Gender Equality

The role of social norms change in economically empowering women was a hot topic at the SEEP Women’s Economic Empowerment...


Itad’s 4 top takeaways from the SEEP Women’s Economic Empowerment Forum

Mollie Liesner blogs on her top 4 takeaways from the SEEP Women's Economic Empowerment Forum in Bangkok.


60 seconds with…Richard Burge

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what...


Five lessons from the ODI Parliamentary Reception on Women’s Economic Empowerment

There is a possibility that by the end of 2016, three of the world’s largest economies (USA, UK, and Germany) will have a...