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Poverty and livelihoods

Our work seeks to understand what works in which contexts to best enable people and communities to enhance their capabilities, assets and activities. From understanding how social protection can act as a safety net for increasing human potential, and protect vulnerable people from risks and shocks, to measuring the impact of integrated development programming, our work helps to ensure interventions maximise their impact and support vulnerable people.

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Showing 49 - 64 of 147 results

Evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan

Itad is evaluating the World Food Programme’s (WFP) Country Strategic Plan (CSP) for Bangladesh between 2016 and 2020,...


Synergies in SDGs: How holistic monitoring can support global goals

I recently attended a workshop at the Vitol Foundation presenting initial results of a multi-disciplinary research team from...


Lessons from an ex-post evaluation – and why we should do more of them

Even as evaluation specialists, rarely do we get the chance to carry out ex-post evaluations. We recently carried out an...


Adaptive Social Protection: Independent evaluation of the World Bank ASP programme

This document is the Summary Report of the Synthesis of the second-round evaluation completed by Itad in Oct 2017 as part of...


Final Evaluation Report: FoodTrade East and Southern Africa

The FTESA report is now live on our website. Check out the five-year regional programme, that supported food staples market...


FoodTrade East and Southern Africa Final Evaluation: Key findings, lessons and recommendations

Summarising the FoodTrade East and Southern Africa final evaluation, you can now read the key findings and how the FTESA aimed...


Evaluation of Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE)

Itad, in partnership with BOP consulting, is leading the evaluation of an ambitious, two-year pilot programme from the British...


Technical Assessment of Completed RAP roads (Independent Verification Round 2)

The objective of the Rural Access Programme 3 (RAP) is to reduce poverty in western Nepal. The programme aims to deliver...


The role of Road Maintenance Groups in the Local Roads Network sector in rural Nepal

This policy brief explores the role of Road Maintenance Groups (RMGs) that a number of donor programmes fund in Nepal to...


What else does the MVP evaluation tell us?

In this blog, we dig deeper into the findings to explore the impact of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) in Northern Ghana...


Unforeseen benefits of the Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana

In this blog, Dee Jupp shares her experiences living in the home of an extended family in one of the Millennium Villages in...


Five key principles for Adaptive Social Protection programming

‘Adaptive Social Protection’ (ASP) came from a realisation that social protection, disaster risk reduction and climate...


Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Qualitative Endline Report

This report presents the findings of the third and final (endline) round of qualitative fieldwork for the evaluation of the...


Management of the Local Roads Network in Federal Nepal – Policy Brief

People living in remote areas of Nepal demand and aspire to be physically connected year-round to markets and service centres....


Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No.5: What was the impact on health?

This Briefing Paper is the fifth in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the...


60 seconds with…Joseph Thompson

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what...