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Climate change and natural resources

The evaluation and learning work we do to understand climate change, natural resources and resilience helps our partners to use evidence-based findings to make decisions which lead to informed investments and actionable change towards a low carbon, climate-resilient future.

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Showing 161 - 174 of 174 results

Philippa Tadele (née Haden)


Philippa Tadele has 20 years experience of working with governments, NGOs and the private sector in the development sphere.


Independent Evaluation of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)

Itad was contracted by DFID to provide both mid-term and final independent external evaluations of the Climate and Development...


Mainstreaming climate change with DFID Tanzania

Itad worked with DFID Tanzania to enhance its approach to climate change, both in terms of mainstreaming the issue in ongoing...


Supporting local government in Bangladesh to plan for climate change

Itad experts, Robbie Gregorowski and Julian Barr, planned and facilitated a 4-day climate change (CC) training course in...


Review of the CARE International’s Climate Change Strategic Plan

Itad was commissioned by CARE to undertake a review of their organisation-wide climate change sector strategy - the Climate...


Evaluation of PreventionWeb and related UNISDR information services for disaster risk reduction

Itad conducted an evaluation of PreventionWeb, the UN's International Strategy for Disaster Reduction's knowledge portal.


CDKN knowledge services multi-year evaluation and impact assessment

Itad was contracted in 2011 and 2012 by the CDKN to assist them with M&E and impact assessment across a range of knowledge...


Fund Manager for Strategic Climate Institutions Programme (SCIP)

Itad are providing M&E inputs to The Strategic Climate Institutions Programme Fund; a three year initiative funded by DFID UK...


External Review of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature

Itad was selected by a group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s framework donors to undertake an...


Climate finance – assisting the EC with Measuring, Reporting and Verifying (MRV)

Itad supported EC Climate Action to provide a detailed mapping of existing EU and member states' flows for the support of...


Evaluation of the Institutional Cooperation between Sida and the Stockholm Environment Institute

Itad was tasked with both reflecting on the past and informing the future of the collaboration between Sida and SEI.


Monitoring and Evaluation of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN)

Itad is conducting monitoring and evlauation of the Rockefeller Foundation's Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network.


DFID’s Natural Resources Systems Programme Impact Assessment

Itad was contracted by DFID to undertake an impact assessment of NRSP's research at the peri-urban interface (PUI). Using a...


Evaluation of Sustainable Development Agreements

Itad was contracted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to complete an evaluation of the process of Sustainable Development...