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Why we are passionate about education at Itad?

To mark International Day of Education we asked three of our evaluators to reflect on their work on this topic, why access to quality education...


Looking ahead: Opportunities for the Global Partnership for Education

Delivering on the promise of quality education for all is more urgent and challenging than it ever has been. As we enter the final decade of...


Education in the time of COVID-19: Learning for a resilient future

The latest data from UNESCO shows that over 1.5 billion learners have been affected by restrictions imposed due to COVID-19.


Design and implementation of the Global Partnership for Education Country-level Evaluations

Established in 2002, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), formerly the Education for All Fast-Track Initiative, is a multi-stakeholder...


Education Sector Budget Support Evaluation Programme in Zambia

From 2013 to 2016, the UK will support the improvement of education quality and participation of girls in the education system in Zambia through...


Ghana, Kenya, NAO, DFID’s Work in Primary Education

Itad was contracted to carry out qualitative research on the results of DFID's work in primary education in Ghana and Kenya.


Handbook on Measuring Equity in Education

Our Education Lead, Rachel Outhred, has co-authored a chapter in the UNESCO Institute of Statistic’s recent handbook on measuring equity in...


Shaping the UN Girl’s Education Initiative 2023-27

Itad supported the United Nations Girls' Education Initiative to develop and design their 2023-27 portfolio.


Monitoring education sector performance for Sida Cambodia

Itad is working with Sida to monitor education sector performance in Cambodia and to provide technical advice which facilitates strengthened and...


Evaluation of Girls’ Education Portfolio

Dubai Cares is a UAE-based global philanthropic organisation which aims to provide children in developing countries with access to quality...

Knowledge product

Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No.6: What was the impact on education?

This Briefing Paper is the sixth in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the Millennium Villages Project...


Plan UK, Independent Progress Review of DFID PPA Funding – Building Skills for Life ‘Empowering Adolescent Girls through Education’

Itad, with Ipsos MORI, was commissioned by Plan UK to carry out their mid-term evaluation covering the first 15 months of the 2011-2014 grant period.


Independent Evaluation of the UNICEF Ethiopia, Adolescent Nutrition Wash Education Joint Programme

Across the world, it is now recognised that adolescence is an important second window of opportunity for physical and cognitive growth....

Impact story

Promoting more equitable and ethical AI use

Our award-winning research is helping mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico’s leading education pilots and providing important insights for...


60 seconds with…Fergal Turner

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Fergal had to say…


Four points to inform successful youth employment strategies

Insights from our work highlights common issues for those working on Africa’s youth employment challenge – and raises vital questions for...


Technical Review of Learning Targets Approach for Highly Marginalised Girls

The Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) was launched by the UK in 2012 as a 12-year commitment to reach the most marginalised girls in the world...


How much value do Value Added Models provide for the quality of schools?

What value might Value Added Models might bring to developing an accountability measure for school quality in the development sector?


USAID’s Equitable AI Challenge: Addressing Gender Inequity in Artificial Intelligence

Our work is helping to mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico's leading educations pilots - and providing important insights for the wider...


GPE Country-level Evaluations – Final Synthesis Report

This report draws upon the summative and prospective evaluation reports for the 28 partner countries in the CLE (country-level evaluation) sample...


What else does the MVP evaluation tell us?

In this blog, we dig deeper into the findings to explore the impact of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) in Northern Ghana on education,...


Mitigating AI gender bias in an international development context

Itad helped to mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico's leading education pilots - and provided important insights for the wider development...


USAID’s Equitable Challenge project wins EQUALS in Tech Award

Itad, with consortium partners, has won the 2023 EQUALS in Tech Award in the category of Research for its work to address gender inequity in...


Project update – Winter 2017

Our technical themes have started work across varied and interesting projects over the last six months, here we look at some of the highlights.