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Technical Review of Learning Targets Approach for Highly Marginalised Girls

The Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) was launched by the UK in 2012 as a 12-year commitment to reach the most marginalised girls in the world and is the largest global fund dedicated to girls’ education. The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) is committed to ensuring over a million girls in some of the poorest countries, including girls who have disabilities or are at risk of being left behind, receive a quality education.


The Girls’ Education Challenge announced a new funding window in 2017, Leave No Girl Behind (LNGB). LNGB focuses on highly marginalised adolescent girls aged between 10 and 19 who are out of school/work by funding targeted ‘catch up’ programmes providing literacy, numeracy and skills for life and work. There is a strong focus on accelerating girls’ learning outcomes so that they achieve functional literacy and numeracy, and acquire relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for life and work.

LGNB includes integrated research and evaluation to ensure uptake of GEC-generated evidence to drive policy and learning at all stages of a girl’s education journey.

Our role

As thought leaders in the MEL sphere, Itad is providing independent expert technical advice to GEC on the relevance, merit and appropriateness of existing learning outcome targets and the proposed evaluation approach for the projects under the LNGB funding window.

Image © Girls in school in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Photo Credit: Vicki Francis/Department for International Development via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Team members
Abrehet Gebremedhin