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Reflections on an Expert Roundtable on Results-Based Payments

This week, Itad organised and hosted an Expert Roundtable as part of its ongoing assignment for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and...


Gender Equality: what’s in it for men?

Itad's Julia Hamaus reflects on V4C's 'Being a Man in Nigeria: Perceptions and Realities' launch in London, and men's engagement with gender...


Strengthening the enabling environment for young women’s empowerment in Nigeria: unpacking Voices for Change vision of change

On International Women’s Day, Claire Hughes, who leads Itad’s work on gender, reflects on the Voices for Change pathway to empowering young...


Learning from Financial Diaries

I was recently invited to a workshop on Financial Diaries (FDs), involving financial inclusion (FI) practitioners and experts in the field of FI...


Evaluation is crucial to reaching the FP2020 goals

The Health Theme in Itad has been thinking about what evaluation means to them in the family planning arena.


New household data from Ghana project available for re-analysis

Are you looking for an interesting research project where you can undertake your own analysis of existing datasets?


Itad’s 4 top takeaways from the SEEP Women’s Economic Empowerment Forum

Mollie Liesner blogs on her top 4 takeaways from the SEEP Women's Economic Empowerment Forum in Bangkok.


Project update – summer 2017

During the first half of 2017, Itad has continued to start new work with a range of clients, across our themes.


Shining a light on Violence against Women and Girls programming…the need for evaluation

In September 2017, we attended the launch of the Spotlight Initiative, an EU and UN multi-year initiative to eliminate violence against women and...


The interactions between women’s economic empowerment and ending violence against women – Insights from the Pacific Women project

"I am just a woman, I am just a mother, I am just a wife…what can I do to seek justice?"  - anonymous woman in Papua New Guinea.


Reflections on International Women’s Day 2018

This International Women's Day, three members of Itad staff reflect on what the day means for them, personally and professionally.


Learning about learning. Wait! What?

I’ve been spending the last couple of weeks thinking about Learning Partnerships, what they are, what they can offer and how we can make them...


60 seconds with…Itad’s Impact Investing theme

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick rundown of what our staff do here at Itad. To celebrate their launch,...


Itad evaluation offers verdict on Millennium Village Project in Northern Ghana

A major new report, published by Itad on 18th September 2018, details the findings from our five-year evaluation of the DFID-funded Millennium...


Can football tackle violence against women and girls?

Over the years, there has been steadily growing interest in the idea that sport can make a difference in development, beyond the obvious benefits...


Using a social norms approach to tackle corruption in Nigeria

As a teenager in a rural community in Nigeria, I often witnessed the scorn and disgrace heaped on officials of village associations who could not...


Savings in Sub-Saharan Africa: Access, Policies and Priorities

Saving hasn't kept up with access in the growth of financial inclusion. A new report sets out to understand trends in savings and how policies...


Itad presents Millennium Villages Impact Evaluation findings with senior policy-makers from Northern Ghana

The Millennium Villages Impact Evaluation (MVEval) will be presenting its findings of the DFID-funded SADA Millennium Villages Project in...


Itad to discuss Global Mine Action Programme evaluation

Itad’s Tom Gillhespy will be at the 22nd International Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers (NDM-UN) in Geneva...


Evaluating transformational change in global programmes that tackle climate change

In this Itad blog, partner Sam McPherson reflects on his trip to the Noor Ouarzazate Concentrated Solar Power Plant for CIF's “Power of 10:...


Youth Financial Inclusion: What we’re missing & how can we serve them better

Our ‘Savings for youth: a review of evidence’ report took a sub-set of 44 studies within the Savings Evidence Map developed as part of the...


Nigeria, PATHS2 Mid-term Evaluation Study

Itad managed a mid-term evaluation study of PATHS2, and involved two components: a large scale household survey and a comprehensive facility...


The State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness and Capability (SPARC)

Itad was a core member of the HTSPE-led consortium managing the SPARC programme, providing technical direction on monitoring and evaluation.


Joint External Anti-Corruption Evaluation

Itad was commissioned to obtain knowledge regarding the relevance and effectiveness of support to reduce corruption and produce a synthesis report.