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Our projects

We have collaborated on more than 895 projects in the past 40 years, often in fast-moving, challenging and complex contexts.

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Showing 337 - 352 of 427 results

External Impact Assessment of IPPF’s Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF)

Itad, commissioned by SAAF, conducted an independent impact assessment of its programme and six of its country projects for...


Support to the 2011 Fragile States Principles Survey

Itad supported the 2011 surveys into the monitoring of the implementation of the Fragile States Principles in various...


AfDB, Review of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative

In 2011 Itad led a review of the African Development Bank's African Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative, which aimed...


DFID, Evidence Review: Environmental Innovation Prizes for Development (Stimulating Innovation in Low Carbon & Adaptation Technologies)

Itad provided methodological and peer review support to this research study which contributed to a DFID Business Case...


Rebuilding Lives of War-Affected Children and Young People in Casamance

Itad conducted an end of project evaluation, which assessed the direct impact of this project to improve the lives of children...


External Review of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature

Itad was selected by a group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s framework donors to undertake an...


Logframe advice to SciDev.Net

Itad provided advisory support to SciDev.Net to help them develop a logframe to submit to DFID for a grant extension.


The State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness and Capability (SPARC)

Itad was a core member of the HTSPE-led consortium managing the SPARC programme, providing technical direction on monitoring...


Fund Manager of the Afghanistan Business Innovation Fund (ABIF)

Itad has designed an innovative performance framework which is relevant to the particular challenges of the Afghanistan...


Independent Multi-Disciplinary Review of the Malawi National Response to HIV/AIDS for the Financial Years 2010-2013

Itad has been contracted to undertake a series of annual reviews of National AIDS Commission (NAC) of Malawi (and have now...


Strategic support to the Panos Relay Programme

Itad undertook an appreciative evaluation of the Panos Relay Programme. The assignment involved country visits to Zambia,...


Climate finance – assisting the EC with Measuring, Reporting and Verifying (MRV)

Itad supported EC Climate Action to provide a detailed mapping of existing EU and member states' flows for the support of...


Evaluation of the Results-Based Approach and M&E of the Finnish Development Cooperation Interventions

Itad evaluated the extent results based management had been integrated into the Finnish Development Cooperation’s project...


Evaluation of Danish Engagement in and around Somalia

Itad evaluated Danida's overall engagement with, and the relevance and effectiveness of, its activities to support peace and...


Joint Country Evaluation of the Strategy for Swedish Development Cooperation with Tanzania 2006-2011

Itad carried out an evaluation to provide an independent view of the results of the Swedish-Tanzanian development co-operation.


Joint evaluation of civil society engagement in policy dialogue

Itad led an evaluation to gain a better understanding of how CSOs engage in policy dialogue, & provide recommendations on how...