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External Impact Assessment of IPPF’s Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF)

Itad, commissioned by SAAF, conducted an independent impact assessment of its programme and six of its country projects for the period 2007-2010.


The Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF) is a multi-donor funding mechanism that supports in-country initiatives for increasing access to safe abortion services. It provides small flexible grants to NGOs to undertake innovative policy advocacy in service delivery and research.

The SAAF secretariat commissioned an independent impact assessment of its programme and six of its country projects for the period 2007-2010, covering Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria and the Philippines.

The evaluation

The evaluation was conducted by Itad and built upon, and complemented, the previous mid-term evaluation conducted in 2009. It went beyond being a more traditional evaluation, which might focus on the achievement of objectives, and also focused on the in-depth assessment of the impact on people’s lives and looked at whether, and how, the project brought significant changes.


Contact Sam McPherson ( if you would like to discuss this project.

Image: Terraced rice fields. Nepal. Credit: istock/rweisswald
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