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We generate evidence around what does and doesn’t work for achieving sustainability across the water sector. We carry out evaluations to help our partners refine their strategies, and work with partners to improve their monitoring, data systems and feedback loops for reaching outcomes.

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Showing 49 - 63 of 63 results

What can we learn from the Government Outcomes Lab?

Learning Advisor Catherine Fisher investigates a new research centre on outcomes-based commissioning and finds plenty of...


Measuring progress towards SDGs: a Payment by Results perspective

Attending the 2017 WEDC Conference prompted WASH MVE team members to share their reflections on measuring progress towards...

Christopher Smith

Director of Commercial Operations

Christopher Smith heads Itad’s Project Management Unit. He has a background in water and environmental management.


WASH Results blog post on “six suggestions” is live

Reflections by DFID WASH Results’ suppliers on the programme’s design and commissioning, summarised into six suggestions...


Evaluating and Verifying Payment by Results Programmes

Highlights of the discussion about verification and evaluation of Payment By Results in the WASH MVE and GEC chat show at the...


Testing the Waters: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the Factors Affecting Success in Rendering Water Services Sustainable Based on ICT Reporting

This research conducted by WaterAid, Itad and IRC aims to understand the factors that facilitate and inhibit the success of...


Introducing DFID WASH Results

A repost of a blog originally posted on the Learning about Payment by Results in WASH, by the team verifying and evaluating...


WaterAid, Testing the Waters: how can ICTs for monitoring be strengthened and made more inclusive to achieve greater sustainability of rural water services?

Itad has been contracted by Hivos, IRC International Water & Sanitation Centre to investigate information and communication...


Independent Monitoring and Verification of the WASH Results Programme

Millions of people worldwide still lack access to improved water supply and sanitation. The DFID Water, Sanitation & Hygiene...

Chris Barnett


Chris Barnett is a Partner at Itad. He is a leader in research, evaluation and international development with over 20 years’...


The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Support Programme, Nigeria

Itad, WS Atkins and Enplan implemented phase 1 of WSSSRP (Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Support Programme), to establish...


Technical Assistance to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources under the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Reform Programme in Nigeria

Itad provided support to the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) element of The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector...


Monitoring and Evaluation – Watershed Management Project

Itad supported the development of a Monitoring and Evaluation System for the China Watershed Management Project which helped...


World Bank Water Management Improvement Project

Itad were contracted by the World Bank to assist in their Water Management Improvement Project


Joint Wetlands Livelihoods project

Itad's approach was to catalyse and facilitate improved water governance. We worked at three levels: the whole river basin,...