Our work in education promotes a cross-sectoral, whole-child approach to measuring the effectiveness of education. Through learning partnerships and capacity building in monitoring and evaluation we provide data, information and evidence to our partners to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education systems and programmes across the world.
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Plan UK, Independent Progress Review of DFID PPA Funding – Building Skills for Life ‘Empowering Adolescent Girls through Education’
Itad, with Ipsos MORI, was commissioned by Plan UK to carry out their mid-term evaluation covering the first 15 months of the...
Ghana, Kenya, NAO, DFID’s Work in Primary Education
Itad was contracted to carry out qualitative research on the results of DFID's work in primary education in Ghana and Kenya.
European Commission – Evaluation of European Training Foundation
Itad won an EC-funded, open tender to evaluate the European Training Foundation (ETF), providing expertise in Vocational...