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Evidence-based, sustainable climate and ocean adaptation

We are providing independent monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)’s...


Assessing the impact of the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership

Itad is evaluating the impact and efficiency of the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership. Our work will provide insights and evidence on the...


Global Fund, Thematic Review of In-Country Programmatic Assurance

Itad led a consortia, in association with Euro Health Group, to deliver the review with a team of experts in designing, monitoring and evaluating...


Evaluation of Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE)

Itad, in partnership with BOP consulting, is leading the evaluation of an ambitious, two-year pilot programme from the British Council,...


The Second Phase of Providing Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Support to the Global Resilience Partnership

Since 2016, Itad has supported the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) as a learning partner to help ensure it reaches its goal of helping...


Learning Partnership on the Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

The Forest Investment Program (FIP), a program under the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), provides indispensable investments to benefit forests,...


Fleming Fund Independent Evaluation Supplier

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global crisis that has the potential to reverse a century of progress in Public Health. Drug-resistant...


Promoting Urban Climate Change Resilience in Selected Asian Cities

Itad is part of a consortium supporting the development of knowledge and M&E components under the Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund.


A Mixed-Method Impact Evaluation Design of a Mobile Phone Application for Nutrition Service Delivery in Indonesia

Child under-nutrition remains one of the most devastating realities in many parts of the world. The use of mobile phone technology may offer...


Formative Evaluation of Monitoring Results for Equity System (MoRES) Approach

Itad is drawing early lessons to help sharpen the coherence, methods, and tools of the Monitoring Results for Equity System approach to UNICEF...


Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Forest Governance, Markets and Climate Programme

Itad is working in partnership with Triple Line Consulting to evaluate the implementation of DFID's Forest Governance, Markets and Climate Programme.


Monitoring and Evaluation of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN)

Itad is conducting monitoring and evlauation of the Rockefeller Foundation's Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network.


M&E Review and Workshop in Bangkok

Itad conducted a review for DFID of M&E in the region, and used this as a basis to strengthen the capacity of country offices.


Evaluation of the Japan Social Development Fund Programme

In 2005 Itad conducted a strategic evaluation of the Japan Social Development Fund for the World Bank.