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Evaluation of Ireland’s Country Strategy in Timor-Leste

Itad evaluated Irish Aid's support of Timor-Leste focusing on several aspects including civil society support and the promotion of human rights...


Sida, Advisory and evaluation support to the Chia Se Poverty Alleviation Programme

Itad was appointed as part of the Sida Advisory Team to provide support on programme design and performance for rural development projects.


Rural development advisory team for the Swedish International Development Agency in Vietnam

Sida appointed Itad as professional advisers to strengthen the quality of follow-up on their rural development portfolio.


How to Note on ICTs in Data Collection

Itad provided services to DFID under the ICD (Information and Communications for Development) framework to create a How To Note in Data Collection.


Natural Resources Systems Programme Communications Strategy Synthesis, DFID

Itad were contracted by DFID to conduct a communications strategy synthesis from 19 projects


Review of Agricultural Research, Nepal

Itad was commissioned by DFID to undertake a review of agricultural research in Nepal


DFID’s Natural Resources Systems Programme Impact Assessment

Itad was contracted by DFID to undertake an impact assessment of NRSP's research at the peri-urban interface (PUI). Using a combination of...


World Bank’s Impact Assessment of the Village Level Participatory Approach

Itad was contracted by the World Bank for an Impact Assessment of the Village Level Participatory Approach.


The Rural Livelihoods Evaluation Partnership

Itad were contracted by DFID Bangladesh to conduct all the annual and final reviews of their portfolio of 10 rural livelihoods projects in...


Monitoring and Evaluation system for Hill Agriculture Research Project

Itad, contracted by DFID, designed a monitoring and evaluation system for the research programme. The monitoring elements of the system were...


Joint Wetlands Livelihoods project

Itad's approach was to catalyse and facilitate improved water governance. We worked at three levels: the whole river basin, the wetlands, and the...


Evaluation of Sustainable Development Agreements

Itad was contracted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to complete an evaluation of the process of Sustainable Development Agreements.


Evaluation of Danida’s Bilateral Programme for Enhancement of Research Capacity in Developing Countries

Itad was contracted by DANDIA for an eight month evaluation of Danida's bilateral programme for Enhancement of Research Capacity in Developing...