We work to strengthen health systems and global health security, including the fight against global pandemics and to eliminate neglected tropical diseases. We work with global health organisations as a partner and critical friend, so that they can improve their impact and outcomes of their programmes.
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Strengthening efforts to tackle deadly diseases in Africa
We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning support the UK Government’s global health security programming. We aim...
Itad evidence to inform global debate and action on antimicrobial resistance
A new report by Itad will contribute to global discussions at the UN General Assembly on Antimicrobial Resistance next week.
Strengthening AMR surveillance: Stories of national progress in Africa and Asia
Stories of change from Malawi, Nepal, Timor-Leste and Kenya, illustrating some of the tangible differences taking place in...
Join us at the European Evaluation Society Conference 2024!
We’re leading sessions on utilizing Bricolage for more effective evaluations; evaluating community engagement approaches to...
Evaluating Community Engagement approaches to health
Join us at the 2024 European Evaluation Society Conference for a solutions-focused workshop on community engagement.
Helping the UK Government tackle the global antimicrobial emergency
Our long-term evaluation of the UK Government’s flagship Fleming Fund has informed strategic shifts relating to data use and...
Evaluating Wellcome Foundation’s Drug Resistant Infections Projects
We are developing a methodology to evaluate Wellcome’s Surveillance Partnership to Improve Data for Action on Antimicrobial...
Beyond drugs & bugs: Addressing gender inequalities in Antimicrobial Resistance
Join us on 4 December, for a lively conversation with experts on gender and AMR, in an online chat show, hosted by Itad, the...
Supporting USAID’s Localize Global Health Security project
We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the five-year initiative, which aims to improve local...
Evaluation of UBS-Optimus’ Health Strategy and Development of a New Strategic Direction
We evaluated UBS-Optimus’ achievements, impact trajectory, and contribution to saving children's lives through its health...
Exploring the ‘Power of Story’ at the American Evaluation Association Conference 2023
Join us at the American Evaluation Association Conference from 9-14 October! We'll be sharing ideas, skills and reflecting on...
Review of the Surveillance and Epidemiology of Drug-resistant Infections Consortium (SEDRIC)
We conducted a review of the Wellcome Trust's Surveillance and Epidemiology of Drug-resistant Infections Consortium (SEDRIC)
Global health evaluation in a dynamic context: Lessons from COVAX
Itad’s review of the COVAX Facility and AMC demonstrated a critical role for independent evaluation in unpacking...
Evaluating the Global Fund’s Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative
Itad is evaluating the Global Fund’s Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative to build resilient and sustainable...
Evaluating Self-Care Policy Change for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
Itad, in partnership with Halcyon, evaluated the Self-Care Trailblazer Group’s FAST TRACK programme’s implementation...
Evaluation of Unitaid’s Antiretroviral Therapy Optimization portfolio
We evaluated Unitaid's Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Optimization portfolio’s impact on lowering barriers to antiretroviral...