Value for Money assessment
Our assessments of value for money help our partners obtain the maximum benefit with the resources they have available. We offer a range of services (from cost-effectiveness analysis through to process audits) to provide the evidence to inform how best to spend less, spend well and spend wisely.
Evidence-based, sustainable climate and ocean adaptation
We are providing independent monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development...
Maximising the effectiveness of Defra programming
We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning services for Defra’s international programming covering climate change,...
Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning services for CSSF South Asia
We are supporting evidence generation and learning for programme design and adaptive programme management for the UK...
Evaluating UK support to countering the Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southern Africa
Itad is evaluating the UK government funded Counter Illegal Wildlife Trade Range Training Programme in Malawi and Zambia to...
Adolescents 360 Evaluation: Final Summative Report
This report presents the overall findings of the evaluation of the Adolescents 360 initiative (A360), which targeted...
A360 Process Evaluation – Final Report
Findings from a process evaluation of the Adolescents 360 program, which delivered modern contraception to over 400,000 girls...
Evolving anti-corruption programming amid COVID-19
Drawing from the efforts of implementing partners in adapting their strategies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, this...
Executive Summary: Evaluation of Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme: Summative Phase Two
The Department for International Development (DFID) invested £54.6 million into a humanitarian innovation and evidence...
Blogs and news
Helping the UK Government tackle the global antimicrobial emergency
Our long-term evaluation of the UK Government’s flagship Fleming Fund has informed strategic shifts relating to data use and...
Building women and girls’ resilience to climate change
Lessons from our work with partners on integrating sexual and reproductive health rights with climate change adaptation.
Lessons for evaluating complex and adaptive programmes
Drawing on our experiences evaluating a six-year girl-centred sexual health programme, the A360 evaluation team share our key...
World Ocean Day: The role of science and MEL in tackling marine litter
Understanding that our relationship with nature is a cycle is the first step towards building back better. For World Ocean...