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Final Evaluation of UN Women’s ‘Men and Women for Gender Equality’ Programme
We delivered the final evaluation of the UN Women's Men and Women for Gender Equality programme (MW4GE), assessing the overall performance of the...
Independent Strategic Evaluation of the UNRWA Medium Term Strategy 2016 – 2022
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), is facing a range of challenges that could put its...
Retrospective assessment of the LEGO Play Box Initiative
For the past ten years, LEGO has been donating Play Boxes to children and educational institutions in disadvantaged environments and providing...
MEL unit for CSSF Middle East
The Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) in the Middle East operates in one of the most complicated conflict-affected regions of the...
Positioning GAGE evidence on masculinities
This brief summarises research undertaken to determine the range of key players and policy opportunities in engaging men and boys in promoting...
Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA), Policy Briefing 1
This policy briefing of Itad's evaluation of the Medicines Transparency Allicance gives an overview of the methods, findings, challenges &...
The Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) evaluation: Another piece of evidence supporting the value of multi-stakeholder approaches
Itad, in cooperation with Pamoja, recently completed an evaluation of the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA). MeTA was a DFID-funded...
Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) Evaluation, Final Report
The purpose of this evaluation was to assess MeTA’s underlying rationale to provide lessons for future programming of interventions.
Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA)
Itad carried out an evaluation of the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA). MeTA was a DFID-funded initiative, coordinated by Health Action...
European Commission – Evaluation of European Training Foundation
Itad won an EC-funded, open tender to evaluate the European Training Foundation (ETF), providing expertise in Vocational Education/Training to 35...