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Itad’s work on measuring the effectiveness of development and diplomacy

Discover how we are helping governments monitor and manage diplomatic engagement to build peace and prevent conflict


Strengthening AMR surveillance: Stories of national progress in Africa and Asia

Stories of change from Malawi, Nepal, Timor-Leste and Kenya, illustrating some of the tangible differences taking place in countries supported by...


Itad evidence to inform global debate and action on antimicrobial resistance

A new report by Itad will contribute to global discussions at the UN General Assembly on Antimicrobial Resistance next week.


Evidence-based, sustainable climate and ocean adaptation

We are providing independent monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)’s...


Unlocking the power of diplomacy for peacebuilding

Itad is sponsoring PeaceCon 2024 and hosting a session on measuring diplomatic engagement for effective peacebuilding and conflict prevention.


Bikash Gyawali

IT Operations Officer

Bikash Gyawali is an IT Operations Officer at Itad.


Expert advisory services on climate measurement, evaluation and learning

We are providing technical support to The Rockefeller Foundation in implementing global best practices in measurement, evaluation and learning.


How to apply the art and craft of methodological bricolage?

Join us at the 2024 European Evaluation Society conference (EES) for a solutions-focused workshop sharing promising examples of methodological...


Join us at the European Evaluation Society Conference 2024!

We’re leading sessions on utilizing Bricolage for more effective evaluations; evaluating community engagement approaches to health; and how AI...


Evaluating in an AI-driven world

Join us at the 2024 European Evaluation Society Conference for a panel event exploring  how artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the...


Evaluating Community Engagement approaches to health

Join us at the 2024 European Evaluation Society Conference for a solutions-focused workshop on community engagement.


What’s cake got to do with impact?

A recent Itad event highlighted the strikingly similar pre-requisites for both impact and good cake – two things that can undeniably make the...


Mahima Mehra


Mahima is a consultant in the Inclusive Growth and Climate change team at Itad.

Impact story

Helping the UK Government tackle the global antimicrobial emergency

Our long-term evaluation of the UK Government’s flagship Fleming Fund has informed strategic shifts relating to data use and gender equity to...


Julian Barr retires from Itad’s Board of Directors

After nine years as Non-Executive Director, and 23 years’ service to Itad, Julian Barr stood down in January 2024.


Emma Hughes


Emma Hughes is a consultant in the Inclusive Growth and Climate Change team at Itad.


Drivers of impact in research and innovation for development

Our Global Challenges Research (GCFR) evaluation survey highlights four important drivers of impact in research and innovation investments....

Impact story

Promoting more equitable and ethical AI use

Our award-winning research is helping mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico’s leading education pilots and providing important insights for...

Impact story

Improving the assessment of migrant reintegration programmes

An award-winning impact evaluation helped to set new standards for evaluating migrant assistance and provided vital insights for improving...


Promoting impact in research and innovation

How can management structures and implementation processes increase innovation and impact for development? Download the synthesis report from our...


Join us at gLOCAL 2024!

Unlocking transformation: join us for an interactive workshop (3 June) and panel discussion (4 June)


Evaluating UNICEF’s Response to the Earthquakes in Syria and Türkiye

We are analysing what worked – and what didn’t – in UNICEF’s response to the earthquakes that occurred in Syria and Turkey in February...


Evaluation of the Global Challenges Research Fund

We are assessing how successfully the Global Challenges Research Fund is achieving its aims, delivering impact and achieving value for money


40 years of solving global challenges through evidence

This year we are celebrating Itad’s 40th birthday!