Conflict, peace and security
Our monitoring, evaluation and learning services help our partners make evidence-informed decisions that make a difference to the lives of people experiencing the effects of conflict and instability worldwide.
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Itad’s work on measuring the effectiveness of development and diplomacy
Discover how we are helping governments monitor and manage diplomatic engagement to build peace and prevent conflict.
Unlocking the power of diplomacy for peacebuilding
Itad is sponsoring PeaceCon 2024 and hosting a session on measuring diplomatic engagement for effective peacebuilding and...
Measuring Diplomatic Engagement Under the Global Fragility Act
We are providing evidence and expertise on how to measure diplomatic engagement, such as ‘soft power’ or diplomatic...
Creating safe spaces for change: lessons for Gender & Security programming
Three key lessons to help advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in fragile and conflict-affected contexts from our...
Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning services for CSSF South Asia
We are supporting evidence generation and learning for programme design and adaptive programme management for the UK...
Evaluation of the Netherland’s Women, Peace, and Security programmes
We evaluated the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)’s in-country programmes focused on increasing protection and...
Cleo Blackman
Cleo is a Principal Consultant for Itad’s fragile and conflict-affected settings practice. She has 17 years’ experience in...
Evaluating UK support to countering the Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southern Africa
Itad is evaluating the UK government funded Counter Illegal Wildlife Trade Range Training Programme in Malawi and Zambia to...
Mohammed Awall Insusah
Mohammed is the Democracy & Governance and P/CVE Advisor for USAID West Africa’s Peace through Evaluation, Learning and...
Shaping organisational change for more effective philanthropy
An Itad evaluation conducted in partnership with global philanthropic organisation Porticus, led to organisational changes for...
Influencing humanitarian policy to protect refugee rights
An Itad evaluation of the global response to protect refugee rights during Covid-19 is influencing UN humanitarian agencies...
Lauren Atherton
Lauren is a senior consultant in Itad's Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings team. She provides technical support on...
Peace through evaluation, learning and adaptation (PELA II)
Enhancing USAID’s effectiveness in preventing and countering violent extremism, peacebuilding, and strengthening democracy,...
Current knowledge of the links between climate and conflict
An interactive poster capturing current trends and links in knowledge and thinking between climate, conflict and peacebuilding.
Sector-wide Theory of Change for Mine Action
Shared mine action objectives and indicators to facilitate greater coherence in the sector
Mainstreaming climate concerns into conflict-related evaluation work
Our work with UK Government is highlighting the value of applying a climate lens to conflict-related development programming.