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Scoping Study on Fraud Centres: Ghana, India and Nigeria
This study investigated the dynamics of fraud in Ghana, India and Nigeria and assessed the current response, to identify where the UK can be more...
Evaluating the impact of nature-based solutions
We are supporting the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to understand the impact of nature-based solutions (NbS) in achieving sustainable...
Import control rules’ impact on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
We are supporting the Walton Family Foundation and other stakeholders to understand how to better combat illegal, unregulated and unreported...
Evaluating the Ocean Community Empowerment and Nature (OCEAN) Grants Programme
The OCEAN programme supports community-led marine initiatives, aiming to place the ocean on a path to recovery and enabling local communities and...
Insights from PeaceCon 2024: unlocking the power of diplomacy
Takeaways and insights from our session at PeaceCon which explored innovative tools and approaches for measuring diplomatic engagement, drawing...
Understanding progress on multilateral power sector commitments
Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference we assessed a set of global multilateral renewable energy sector initiatives to understand progress to...
Evidence-based, sustainable climate and ocean adaptation
We are providing independent monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)’s...
Unlocking the power of diplomacy for peacebuilding
Itad is sponsoring PeaceCon 2024 and hosting a session on measuring diplomatic engagement for effective peacebuilding and conflict prevention.
Expert advisory services on climate measurement, evaluation and learning
We are providing technical support to The Rockefeller Foundation in implementing global best practices in measurement, evaluation and learning.
Drivers of impact in research and innovation for development
Our Global Challenges Research (GCFR) evaluation survey highlights four important drivers of impact in research and innovation investments....
Promoting more equitable and ethical AI use
Our award-winning research is helping mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico’s leading education pilots and providing important insights for...
Promoting impact in research and innovation
How can management structures and implementation processes increase innovation and impact for development? Download the synthesis report from our...
Evaluation of the Global Challenges Research Fund
We are assessing how successfully the Global Challenges Research Fund is achieving its aims, delivering impact and achieving value for money
Maximising the effectiveness of Defra programming
We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning services for Defra’s international programming covering climate change, biodiversity, food...
Developing a Progress, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Framework
We are supporting the Hewlett Foundation to develop a progress, evaluation, accountability and learning process for its Women’s Economic...
Lessons for engagement in situations of internal displacement
We are evaluating the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency’s engagement in situations of internal displacement to generate evidence that will inform...
Shaping the UN Girl’s Education Initiative 2023-27
Itad supported the United Nations Girls' Education Initiative to develop and design their 2023-27 portfolio.
Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning services for CSSF South Asia
We are supporting evidence generation and learning for programme design and adaptive programme management for the UK Government’s Conflict,...
Evaluation of UBS-Optimus’ Health Strategy and Development of a New Strategic Direction
We evaluated UBS-Optimus’ achievements, impact trajectory, and contribution to saving children's lives through its health strategy portfolio.
Mapping National Health Accounts to Health Systems Strengthening Investments
The Global Fund’s primary goal is to eliminate the three diseases of HIV AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. This blog, from LAMP Development,...
Providing MEL support to the Mastercard Foundation in the West Africa Economic and Monetary Union.
Itad is leading a consortium with CLEAR FA and CIDS Burkina to provide monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the Mastercard Foundation...
USAID’s Learning for Development, Nepal
We are supporting USAID’s Nepal Mission to improve democratic governance, health and education outcomes in Nepal.
Evaluating WaterAid’s sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene programme
Itad’s evaluation of WaterAid’s sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene programme (SusWASH) helped inform the design of future programmes...
Evaluating the Global Fund’s Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative
Itad is evaluating the Global Fund’s Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative to build resilient and sustainable systems for health.