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Strategic support to the Panos Relay Programme
Itad undertook an appreciative evaluation of the Panos Relay Programme. The assignment involved country visits to Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Kenya,...
Joint evaluation of civil society engagement in policy dialogue
Itad led an evaluation to gain a better understanding of how CSOs engage in policy dialogue, & provide recommendations on how donors can best...
Evaluation of Irish Aid’s Country Strategy Paper for Uganda 2007-2009
Itad led this evaluation, which sought to provide Irish Aid's Senior Management and Country Team in Uganda with an assessment of the Country...
Performance Evaluation of the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) in Uganda
Itad conducted a performance evaluation of Phase I of NAADS, a programme that aims to increase farmers’ access to information, knowledge and...
Evaluation of the Japan Social Development Fund Programme
In 2005 Itad conducted a strategic evaluation of the Japan Social Development Fund for the World Bank.
Monitoring & Evaluation for Understanding and Enhancing Rural Youth Livelihoods in East Africa
Itad provided communications and monitoring & evaluation expertise: aimed to identify opportunities to enhance the livelihoods of rural youth in...