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Meta-Evaluation of Global Affairs Canada’s Decentralized Evaluations
This report presents a review of decentralized evaluations over the period 2009–14. During this period, decentralized evaluations were managed...
Itad at EES: Five takeaways from inside the QCA bubble
Florian Schatz reflects on the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) sessions at this year's European Evaluation Society conference.
Norwegian Aid and Adaptive Programming
Towards the end of 2015, Itad’s Organisational Effectiveness theme conducted an evaluation of Norway’s support to public sector capacity...
Evaluating complex change across projects and contexts: Methodological lessons from a macro evaluation of DFID’s social accountability portfolio
Itad's Florian Schatz details methodological lessons from a macro evaluation of DFID's social accountability portfolio and the challenges of...
Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) Evaluation, Final Report
The purpose of this evaluation was to assess MeTA’s underlying rationale to provide lessons for future programming of interventions.
The Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) evaluation: Another piece of evidence supporting the value of multi-stakeholder approaches
Itad, in cooperation with Pamoja, recently completed an evaluation of the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA). MeTA was a DFID-funded...
Publication on Social Accountability and Corruption
Last month, I placed a publication on social accountability mechanisms’ potential to reduce corruption in public administration in the journal...