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Solutions for Strengthening Resilience Measurement and Influence

Itad, with 100 Resilient Cities and Slum Dwellers International, has been commissioned to work on ‘Collaborative Resilience Evidence and Action in Cities Characterized by Informality’.


The Resilience Measurement, Evidence and Learning Community of Practice (CoP) aims to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and evidence that can, in turn, guide effective design, implementation, and scaling of resilience investments, in order to close the gap between resilience measurement in theory and in practice.

Our role

Itad is working to bridge theory and practice in resilience measurement, working in partnerships to advance knowledge on two priority topics: bridging gaps in urban resilience by fostering connections between slum dwellers and city-level planning; and, to investigate how resilience measurement could be designed and used to support adaptive management.

Itad, together with 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) and Slum Dwellers International (SDI), has been commissioned to work on ‘Collaborative Resilience Evidence and Action in Cities Characterized by Informality’.


The purpose is to demonstrate ways to establish lasting resilience planning collaborations that leverage and promote data sharing between those working within slums and the city-level administration bridging gaps in urban resilience. They will work to help re-balance this focus, pilot ways to strengthen the connections between the city-level resilience planning and slum dwellers, and, in the process, deliver practical examples that 100RC, SDI and government partners can replicate in their routine implementation.

Separately, Itad will work with Mercy Corps on ‘Understanding how Adaptive Management can support Resilience Strengthening’. The purpose is to detail how resilience measurement could be designed and used to support adaptive management. This will better enable programmes to boost latent resilience in at-risk communities, especially when an approaching threat is identified.


Contact Victoria Sword-Daniels ( if you would like to discuss this project.


Image © View from Nehru Centre. Photo Credit: Sthitaprajna Jena (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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