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Savings Evidence Map

A collection of 380 studies on savings-focused financial inclusion from Mastercard Foundation’s Savings Learning Lab project.


This Evidence Map has 380 studies that relate to savings-focussed financial inclusion. The goal of the evidence map is to provide consolidated access to good quality evidence; it enables users to navigate and find existing evidence as well as identify gaps.

The Savings Evidence Map is now an Excel based tool that can be downloaded using the link below.

Download: Evidence Savings Map

The Evidence Map was developed by Itad as part of the Mastercard Foundation’s Savings Learning Lab.

The first mapping was conducted in 2018. It has been updated annually with the final update being conducted in 2022.

Read more about the Savings Learning Lab and further resources.

The Savings Evidence Map uses the 3ie Evidence Gap Map approach, similar to that used by Itad for the BEAM Exchange Evidence Gap Map.

Evidence gap maps systematically scope out available evidence within a given sector through the application of search protocols and rigorous selection and quality assurance criteria. Evidence is then mapped, providing a visual representation to help users quickly locate information and identify gaps in available evidence. Gap maps can help navigate the huge range of information available, understand the quality of evidence and identify potential gaps.

The Savings Evidence Map primarily tags and classifies the studies by the type of results, grouped into client, institutions and ecosystem level results and by the type of savings intervention documented in the evidence – interventions focused on product type, product design, product distribution channels and target markets. However it also includes a range of other tags, including the research methods used, geography and quality.

See our Rural, Youth and Gender Snapshots below for examples of how you can use the map to generate insights and learning on particular areas of the Savings Evidence Map.

Rural Snapshot         Gender Snapshot        Youth Snapshot