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An incubator approach to scaling effective resilience solutions

The Global Resilience Partnership has supported three challenge rounds to surface innovative resilience solutions, and has established an Incubator, whose role is to contribute to GRP’s vision for resilience by identifying effective resilience solutions and supporting them to scale, so as to increase resilience at community, organisation and sector level. In so doing, it intends to help develop a sustainable ecosystem for resilience scaling and to contribute to a knowledge base that enables others to learn about the scaling of resilience. In essence, it aims to accelerate the impact of resilience innovations at a wide scale, in particular for poor and vulnerable populations in Asia and Africa.

The purpose of this case study is to understand how GRP has supported its grantees to scale their resilience innovations, through documenting the Incubator’s role, grantees’ progress and achievements and learning emerging from this. This case study documents both early learning before the scaling activities accelerated into full implementation as well as achievements and learning taken from final reporting, alongside evidence about how the Incubator engaged with the wider base of grantees.

This case study is delivered by Itad, as a learning partner for GRP. Itad has been working closely with the GRP since 2016 to provide Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) support and guidance for GRP and its grantees; and to deliver a series of knowledge products to support GRP’s learning, as well as that of the sector in general. We have informed this case study through a combination of secondary and primary data collection and review, consulting GRP’s internal documents produced by the Incubator team, GRP core documents and grantee proposals and reports (see Annex 2). We conducted a small set of eight interviews with the core members of the Incubator team and each of the five scaling grantees.

We first introduce the Incubator and scaling grantees (remainder of Section 1) and discuss the scaling of solutions for resilience, introducing a conceptual framework (Section 2). Moving into the detail of GRP’s work, we then highlight the practical role of the Incubator, in the context of its plans and ambitions (Section 3). We set out the emerging findings from the case study, tracking the plans, achievements and learning of the grantees (Section 4); and pull out lessons on how it can best work to support the scaling of resilience solutions (Section 5). We finish with a short conclusion (Section 6).