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Child Development Grant Programme: Summary report of baseline evaluation findings

This note presents the summary findings from information collected through a household survey, and interviews and discussions with households before the commencement of the Child Development Grant Programme (CDGP).

ePact, in association with the Institute for Fiscal Studies

The main objective of the note is to describe the situation of the communities and households covered by the CDGP before the programme began. It provides a picture of the types of services (including health and education) the communities have access to, how they earn a living and obtain food, the risks they face and how they cope with them, the use of health facilities, their knowledge of beneficial health care practices for pregnant women and children, their attitudes towards women’s decision-making power in the household, practices relating to fertility and marriage, and finally the physical and cognitive development of their children.

See also:

Child Development Grant Programme: Key messages of the baseline evaluation findings

Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Qualitative Baseline Report

Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Quantitative Baseline Report Part I

Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Quantitative Baseline Report Part II