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Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation – Qualitative Midline Report

Kay Sharp and Alex Cornelius.

An independent mixed-method evaluation of DFID’s Child Development Grant Programme is being carried out by the ePact consortium. The evaluation is intended to help understand the impact of the programme on the households and communities it supports. Its findings will be communicated to the state and federal governments in order for them to see the potential impact of the programme, and in order to leverage their support for taking over the programme and expanding it across their states.

The evaluation includes the following interlinked workstreams:

  • a household survey conducted at baseline, midline and endline (follow-up), providing quantitative analysis, including statistical comparison between treatment (beneficiary) and control populations
  • a process evaluation documenting the implementation of the programme, lessons learned, and factors supporting or weakening its implementation
  • a longitudinal qualitative module following a small sample of beneficiary communities and households through the evaluation period (with baseline, midline and endline fieldwork), to explore their experiences and views of the programme and its impacts, and to investigate issues that are more difficult to capture in a household survey.

This report presents the findings of the second (midline) round of qualitative fieldwork, conducted in late February and early March 2016.