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Insights from a geo-spatial study of mine action in Afghanistan

Itad’s George Bowles and Tom Gillhespy will present at a Mine Action Support Group (MASG)’s virtual meeting on 28 May. The MASG, which meets twice a year, is a mine action sector donor co-ordination group, serving as a forum for the exchange of information and knowledge as well as the co-ordination of financial support and resources.


We have been invited to present on our Geospatial Impact Evaluation study in Afghanistan, which is being conducted in partnership with AidData as part of our contract to provide monitoring and evaluation services to the FCDO’s Global Mine Action Programme 2 (GMAP2). The study used historical geospatial imagery and mine action data to examine the contribution of mine action in Afghanistan to a range of development outcomes. Among the emerging findings are that, in some cases, there is a strong causal link between the release of areas from landmines and economic development in Afghanistan.

Itad will present on the emerging findings of the study, and its implications for the mine action sector. The study is contributing to the evidence base on the developmental outcomes of mine action and the potential value – and limitations – of geographic information system (GIS)-based approaches to support the sector to better understand the results of mine action work.