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Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Qualitative Endline Report

This report presents the findings of the third and final (endline) round of qualitative fieldwork for the evaluation of the Child Development Grant Programme, conducted in late November and early December 2017

Kay Sharp, Alex Cornelius and Vishal Gadhavi

This report presents the findings of the third and final (endline) round of qualitative fieldwork for the evaluation of the Child Development Grant Programme, conducted in late November and early December 2017. Building on the previous research rounds, the field teams revisited the same seven selected beneficiary communities across the five LGAs.

The main purpose of the endline research was to explore any further changes and impacts since the midline, and the perceived causes of those changes, in relation to the following six thematic areas which the CDGP is expected to impact:

  1. consumption patterns and dietary practices
  2.  knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) relating to health, nutrition and childcare
  3. household decision-making and resource management
  4. livelihoods and income
  5. risks, shocks and coping behaviour
  6. wellbeing

Within these themes, the endline particularly focused on two issues highlighted by the midline findings: causal pathways underlying adoption or non-adoption of exclusive breastfeeding, and the effects of the cash transfer on the incomes and assets of beneficiary women and their husbands.

The qualitative endline also explored the implementation of the CDGP in the selected communities, focusing on beneficiaries’ experience of the exit processes.