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Review of the Peace in Jos project

Itad assessed whether DFID Nigeria's Jos project's, a two-year peace-building project, intervention logic had worked, and what the project had achieved.


In Nigeria, DFID grant-funded a two-year peace-building project – Peace in Jos: Arresting the Cycle of Violent Conflicts. The project was implemented by the Institute of Governance and Social Research (IGSR) in Jos.

It aimed to contribute to efforts to break a recurring cycle of inter-ethnic and inter-religious violence through a range of activities. These included peace-building and interfaith mediation conferences; capacity building workshops with security agencies; youth peace camps and using sports for peace.

Our approach

Julian Barr (Itad Director) led a two-person team reviewing this project. Our team assessed whether the project’s intervention logic had worked, and what the project had managed to achieve. We made recommendations for a modified project to be submitted for future funding, and gave support to IGSR to develop a revised logframe.

Image © Aterow Askari. Photo Credit: David Fleming
Team members