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OHCHR Performance in Gender Mainstreaming

Itad and Tripleline were commissioned to conduct an evaluation of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' performance on gender mainstreaming.


In association with Tripleline, we were commissioned to conduct an evaluation of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights’ (OHCHR) performance on gender mainstreaming.

The evaluation

The evaluation sought to determine how well OHCHR integrates gender into human rights mechanisms and promotes gender equality results at national and global levels. We developed a detailed evaluation framework, and used several tools to review gender mainstreaming, such as a case study methodology, an institutional assessment tool, and electronic surveys. Four case studies were conducted in selected field presences (Colombia, Liberia, Nepal, Lebanon), as well as in special procedures (including the Special Rapporteur for Torture) and Human Rights Treaties (including CEDAW). The evaluation recommendations were used for revising the OHCHR Gender Policy and Strategy, as well as to guide the development of gender-sensitive strategies and Strategic Plans across the office for the next strategic planning cycle.

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Team members