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Mid-Term evaluation of the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa’s 2017-2021 strategy

The African continent faces myriad challenges in achieving food and nutrition security for its growing population. These challenges are rooted in a weak agricultural sector, characterised by low crop yields, weak or disjointed market systems and unfavourable policy operational environments.


AGRA, through a unique partnership ‘PIATA’ (Partnership for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation), aims to address these challenges by driving integrated delivery across value chains, enhancing in-country coordination to leverage wider investment and facilitate engagement with the private sector to achieve IAT (Inclusive Agricultural Transformation).

Our role

Itad conducted a mid-term evaluation to assess AGRA’s progress in implementing its 2017-2020 strategy. The evaluation made recommendations on how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations in order to better achieve IAT. It unpicked institutional strengths enhancing AGRA’s unique role in influencing African leaders towards IAT and some of the operational opportunities and challenges affecting the likelihood of obtaining long-term goals and impacts. The evaluation created an opportunity for course correction and mutual accountability between AGRA and its PIATA partnership.

Our approach

The evaluation adopted a modular design with four components: country level, regional and continental, organizational and a synthesis module. The first two modules assessed the process of implementation looking at progress against set targets, the strength of logic in the results chain and interrogated the assumptions AGRA is making between its interventions and likelihood of achieving IAT in the long term given its context, trajectory of progress and challenges/ opportunities. The organizational module provided insights on how well organizational changes effected in the new strategy were embedded into practice and the impact this had on organizational culture and delivery.


Contact Ethel Sibanda ( if you would like to discuss this project.


Image credit: Luigi Guarino/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Team members
Ethel Sibanda Rob Lloyd