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Independent evaluation of infoDev as a World Bank global partnership program

Itad, partnered with Universalia, evaluated the performance of the infoDev programme over the last four years.


InfoDev is a global partnership program (GPP) within the World Bank Group that aims to create opportunities for inclusive growth, job creation and poverty reduction through innovation.

The evaluation

This evaluation assessed the performance of the infoDev programme over the last four years and provided recommendations to the Secretariat, the World Bank and infoDev’s donors and partners on infoDev’s future strategic direction.  We partnered with Universalia to provide the necessary combination of expertise in managing independent external evaluations of World Bank trust funds and GPPs, evaluating knowledge services, platforms and networks, and sector expertise in innovation, job creation and pro-poor growth. We used a Theory of Change (ToC) approach for addressing the questions about infoDev’s overall programme effectiveness and an Institutional Organisational Assessment (IOA) framework for analysing the organisation’s capacities, culture, environment and performance.