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Evaluation of UNHCR’s role as Cluster Lead Agency for the Global Protection Cluster

Itad was contracted to conduct an evaluation of UNHCR’s role in leading the Global Protection Cluster (GPC).


Itad was contracted to conduct an evaluation of UNHCR’s role in leading the Global Protection Cluster (GPC), focussing on UNHCR’s performance as Cluster Lead Agency (CLA), at both global and country levels.


The evaluation had the dual objectives of learning and accountability. The focus was on learning how the protection clusters at country level were supported by the GPC, and what lessons had been learned by UNHCR in field CLA situations. The evaluation examined the achievements and challenges of the cluster at global and field level with regard to coordination, capacity building, and support to the field and mainstreaming protection. While the evaluation looked back at achievements against the 2012-15 GPC strategy, it also sought to make recommendations of relevance to the 2016-19 strategy.

Our approach

To carry out this challenging evaluation, Itad mobilised a team of highly qualified humanitarian evaluation experts with strong knowledge and experience in emergency response, cluster coordination and protection, as well as the broader humanitarian reform process and Transformative Agenda.

Our approach centred on a set of evaluation questions focusing on how the GPC’s work and strategy contributed to effective coordination with the broader humanitarian system, connection to local and national actors, accountability to affected populations, and efficient and effective delivery of protection.

During the inception phase, we carried out extensive consultations with key evaluation stakeholders, including running a workshop in Geneva to explore achievements to date and what success would look like going forwards. During the data collection phase, we carried out 5-6 country visits (currently planned to be Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, DRC, South Sudan and Honduras) which included a strong focus on engagement with communities and persons of concern; as well as two desk studies and an online survey. The findings of the evaluation were written up and presented to UNHCR in May 2017.


Contact David Fleming ( if you would like to discuss this project.


Image: Refugee camp in Turkey. Credit: istock/iboter

Team members