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Evaluation of the Results-Based Approach and M&E of the Finnish Development Cooperation Interventions

Itad evaluated the extent results based management had been integrated into the Finnish Development Cooperation’s project planning and design systems.


In 2010 Itad was commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to evaluate the extent to which results-based management (RBM) had been integrated into the Finnish Development Cooperation’s project planning and design systems.

The evaluation included a review of new aid modalities such as budget support and support to international NGOs.

Itad conducted desk reviews of project and programme documentation, combining this with interviews with key individuals from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The evaluation gave guidance on how to ensure that an RBM approach was fully integrated into their design tools, guidelines and instructions for monitoring and evaluation to make the system more effective. The findings, conclusions and recommendations from the report were presented to staff of the Ministry and external stakeholders at a workshop in Helsinki.

Image © Lake View, Finland. Photo Credit: Antti Merivirta